Join Us

Welcome to Coral Sands

Membership to Coral Sands is fun and easy.  We all know how lucky we are to spend our summers on the beach.

Our dues are only $60/year.  We use our funds to keep the beach clean, to support the local community, and to treat our families to one "Big Blast" party every August.  

We're always happy to have new neighbors, and you'll find that your whole family will become part of ours.  

Membership Form

If you are interested in joining us, please fill out this membership form on the right, so we can get you added to our email list right away.  

You can pay your dues by cash, check, or Venmo.  Cash and checks can be dropped to Ian at 40 Dolphin Avenue or Cindy at 477 Seaside Avenue.  Checks should be made out to:  Cindy Nero.  

Venmo can be sent to @Cindy-Nero-2  or @Ian-Polun

If you have any specific questions, please feel free to reach out by email to Ian Polun at